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The 6 Best Netflix Alternatives In The UK Right Now
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The 6 Best Netflix Alternatives In The UK Right Now

The UK version of Netflix has been slowly declining over the years. Anyone from the UK who has had the chance to browse the US Netflix catalogue will know just how devoid our selection is. Roughly 70% of the content on UK Netflix is garbage. An endless selection of cheap Hallmark movies, outdated sitcoms from a bygone era, and the worst documentaries you’ve likely ever seen.
When you pair this with the fact that Netflix subscription prices have been increasing nearly every year, while the benefits for the standard packages keep decreasing, it is no wonder that most people are looking for a more viable streaming alternative. And now that Netflix has finally shut down password sharing it is the ideal time to pack in your Netflix subscription and look elsewhere.
With so many different streaming options available to you it can be hard to know which ones are worth your time and money. But we have done the legwork for you. We have examined the UK catalogues on a huge range of streaming platforms and have compiled this list of the 6 best Netflix alternatives.
1. Disney+
Arguably one of the strongest streaming platforms out there right now. Disney+ boasts an absolutely enormous UK catalogue. With nearly all of the Disney back catalogue and all of the latest Star Wars and Marvel original content. The UI for Disney+ isn’t the best, which is surprising considering how much money Disney has at their disposal. But if you can look beyond that it is definitely worth subscribing to. Especially if you have children.
2. Techrux
If you haven’t heard of IPTV then you are in for a treat. Internet Protocol Television is a streaming service that, unlike Netflix, offers you access to complete TV channels rather than specific content. UK television is widely considered some of the best in the world. We have the funniest panel shows, the best game shows, and the most gritty and intelligent thrillers.
Techrux is considered the best IPTV reseller in the UK. Not only do you get access to nearly every UK TV channel, but they also offer you access to foreign TV channels too. You can buy a subscription directly from them. Or you can find a Techrux reseller and buy access to their panel, which could work out cheaper for you.
3. Apple TV+
We should note that Apple TV and Apple TV+ are two separate things. It is confusing to be sure. Apple TV is the company’s physical streaming box. Apple TV+ is the streaming platform. You don’t need an Apple TV to access the streaming service.
Apple TV+ had a slow start. But it has slowly amassed a varied selection of shows and movies. The UK catalog is filled to the brim with amazing choices. Shows like Severance and Silo make the subscription worth it. The catalog is definitely skewed towards a more mature audience. So it isn’t the best platform for family entertainment.
4. Crunchyroll
When Netflix first launched its streaming service it had a huge selection of anime. But this too has dwindled as the years went by. The current Anime selection on UK Netflix is lackluster to say the least. Which is where Crunchyroll comes in.
Crunchyroll is considered a premium anime streaming service. Boasting a staggering number of anime shows and movies. The UK catalog has over 800 different selections. And considering how many seasons most anime end up having, you will never run out of things to watch. There are a huge number of family-friendly choices too. Making this an ideal choice for anyone with younger children.
5. Britbox
We mentioned earlier how the UK has the best television on the planet. The only downside to this is that a lot of the best shows never got picked up by any of the major streaming services. Luckily for us we have Britbox.
Britbox is, as the name suggests, a streaming service dedicated to British TV. This is the ideal platform for anyone who wants to enjoy those shows that only ever seem to be played on channels like Dave or Alibi. It also boasts a lot of the best British shows from back in the 80’s and 90’s.
6. Now TV
Now TV is one of my favourite streaming platforms simply because it allows you to customize your subscription package. Which is something that should become standard on every streaming platform in our opinion. If you only want to enjoy TV shows you can opt for the entertainment package. Or, if you’re a movie lover, you can add the movie package to gain access to hundreds of titles.
Now TV boasts a varied catalogue covering a wide range of genres. It also has a fairly good selection of child friendly content too. Making it an ideal choice for families.
Our Top Web Design Tips For Independent Business Owners

It is tough out there for independent businesses right now. The consumer mindset has been forever altered by companies like Amazon. Their ability to offer unbeatable delivery times and lower prices has led to numerous businesses having to shut down due to their inability to compete.
But the good news is that the consumer mindset is slowly starting to change. People are starting to realize the damage that huge corporations like Amazon are having on, not just local economies, but the global economy too. The Covid-19 pandemic also made people realize the importance of supporting independent businesses.
But this doesn’t mean it isn’t a competitive world out there for an independent business owner. If you want to get ahead and succeed you need to ensure that every aspect of your business is operating at maximum efficiency. Today we are going to be examining an area that is often overlooked, but is vitally important to the success of your business. And that is web design.
Your Homepage Matters
A business website is more than just a practical customer facing tool. It is the calling card of your business. In essence you should consider it the digital face of your business. And, to that end, your homepage should reflect everything you are trying to achieve with your business.
We all know the importance of first impressions. And this goes doubly for a website. Studies have shown that it takes a person, on average, 0.05 seconds to form a first impression of a webpage. And at that time they will decide if they like it or not. And this is often always based on visual information. Aesthetics are key here.
The internet used to be a much more lawless place when it came to web design. Vibrant colors. Garish graphics. Unwieldy formatting. But those days are long gone now. Replaced by a more sleek and minimalist approach to web design. Now it is important to note that minimalism doesn’t mean boring. People often assume anything minimalist has to be lacking in vibrancy and brightness. Color is a powerful artistic tool in web design. The key is knowing when to use it. And to what extent.
When it comes to colors you want to stick to softer tones. Light, warm colors are ideal for selling entertainment products, food products, or anything leisurely. Whereas light, cool colors are better for anything more business related.
Your homepage should be clear, inviting, and display all the pertinent information about your business. Ideally that information will be summarised into a concise slogan or small snippet of text. Or, ideally, told through a visual medium such as a picture or video.
User Navigation
The importance of a good homepage cannot be overstated. But, and this is a big but, if your website is difficult to navigate then you are instantly going to lose a huge percentage of potential clients. Nothing drives someone away from a website faster than cumbersome navigation.
A good customer facing website should have everything they will likely need clearly visible at from the moment they access the site. Most websites tend to put the navigation bar at the top for this reason. You want to have your website contain as few pages as possible. Customers don’t want to be jumping through hoops to get to where they want to go on your site.
One thing you definitely want to ensure is that the ‘Contact Us’ section of your website isn’t hidden away. Too many companies try to sneakily hide their contact information to make it difficult for customers to get in touch. And this tactic might be fine if you’re an established business that can afford to lose customers.
But for an independent business, customer interaction will be a pivotal pillar to your success. It is unavoidable that, at some point, you will receive complaints from a customer. The best thing to do is ensure they can contact you swiftly to have the issue resolved. If they can’t find your contact information on your website with ease they are more likely to start hounding your social media profiles. Or, worse, leave a bad review for your business online.
Ensure Your Layout Is Responsive
Have you ever been browsing the web on your phone and came across a website that clearly wasn’t built for mobile. Poor formatting. Buttons missing. You have to scroll for ages just to find the section you were looking for? Yet, on your computer’s web browser the page is fine. This is due to a lack of what is called ‘Responsive Layout.’
A responsive layout is one that automatically adjusts to the users screen size. Be that a mobile phone screen or a larger monitor. A large percentage of people conduct all of their online activity via their phones these days. So you need to 100% ensure that your website is mobile compatible.
Improving Your Sleep With Technology: A Simple Guide

Sleep is one of the great mysteries of existence. We still don’t fully understand what it is and why we need it. Despite that, we know it is absolutely essential for our bodies to function and survive. Which is why issues like insomnia are so dangerous. Not getting enough sleep, or even not getting good sleep, can have devastating effects on your mental and physical health.
Humans have spent hundreds of years trying to figure out ways to improve our sleep. And, thanks to modern technology, it is now easier than ever before to get a better night’s sleep. In this guide we will be showing you how you can use technology to improve the quality of your sleep. And how it can be used to battle insomnia.
How Sleep Works
There is a lot of science behind sleep. And recent studies have shown that the amount of sleep you get each night isn’t all that matters. What matters is that you properly move through the five stages of sleep each night. The five stages of sleep are: wake, N1, N2, N3, and REM.
You will undoubtedly have heard the word REM before. It stands for Rapid Eye Movement. This is the stage of sleep where we dream. During this stage our brain consolidates information and memory. The Wake stage doesn’t actually mean you wake up. Rather it is when the cycle restarts and is where the body does most of its healing and aides in metabolic regulation.
A sleep cycle takes on average 3 hours. Which is why studies say that you should sleep in blocks of 3 hours. Dispelling the idea that you should get 8 hours of sleep a night. Ideally you want 6 or 9 hours a night.
Tracking Your Sleep
One of the reasons why you might not wake up feeling rested is because your sleep cycles were disturbed during the night. Tracking your sleep using a smartwatch can help you better understand where in your sleep cycle you are being disturbed. The data collected by a smartwatch can be used by a doctor to help you identify any underlying health issues that could be impacting your sleep.
Smartwatches are useful for tracking sleep, but the data they provide is only surface level. If you are suffering from serious sleep issues you should go for a Polysomnography. During this study they will attach various sensors to your body that can monitor your brainwaves, heart rate, and much more. From this they can more accurately find the issue with your sleeping habits.
Dry Herb Vapes
If you really struggle with falling asleep you should consider investing in a dry herb vape. This is a healthy way to consume medical cannabis. Many medical professionals have started prescribing cannabis to battle insomnia. Cannabis is extremely good at this as it affects both the mind and body. It can dull pain, reduce both mental and physical stress, reduce muscle tension, and helps release more dopamine and serotonin.
There have been a lot of studies into which strain of medical cannabis is more useful when combating insomnia. The most recent results suggest that indica is the best medical cannabis for battling insomnia. So when you speak to your doctor about getting a cannabis prescription, make sure to enquire about which strain they are giving you.
White Noise Machines
White noise machines are extremely popular sleep aids. The idea is simple. They produce a calming sound throughout the night, helping you sleep better. That noise can be customized to your preference. Some people have the sound of waves gently lapping against a shore. Others have rain gently falling against a window. You will soon find the sound that works for you.
The primary reason why white noise machines work is that they mask other natural sounds that may disturb your sleep. It also works on the principle of conditioning. As you use them more your body will associate the noise with sleep. This creates a feedback loop that actually tricks your brain into thinking it should be asleep while this noise is present.
Temperature Control
Temperature is a vital part of the sleeping process. You will undoubtedly know what it is like when it’s simply too hot or too cold to sleep. And, during the night, rapid changes in temperature can disturb your sleep cycle.
There are a number of useful gadgets you can use to help better regulate your temperature while you sleep. Water mattress toppers are one such tool. Connected to a temperature controlled pump, these toppers slide over your mattress and can provide a consistent cooling temperature all night. A humidifier is also a great tool if you suffer from sinus issues. They increase the moisture in the air which reduces dryness in the nose and throat, helping you get a better night’s sleep.
Is the NBA Going to Introduce Stricter Fitness Regulations?

The NBA has a stringent nutrition and fitness program that all its players must adhere to. They have had it in place for many years and are not something that any of their players take lightly.
The NBA has certain rules in place when it comes to the fitness and nutrition standards for all of its players. They also have rules regarding what you can or cannot put into your body after games, practices, or any other time during the season. This can be seen as quite a restrictive measure, but it has proven successful. Let’s examine whether the NBA will introduce stricter player fitness measures.
The NBA’s Current Fitness and Nutrition Program
As we grow, many have projected our dreams of becoming healthily fit, just like our NBA-inspiring players. We take part in fitness programs and follow every trend concerning the game. When my friend was trying to stay in shape, he was so desperate for ways he could improve his stamina and energy for workouts.
After some search, we found a very useful testosterone replacement called testosterone enanthate. Testosterone enanthate is also known as testosterone heptanoate; it improves endurance and overall performance. However, as you go pro, NBA laws regulate the use of these supplements in their workout.
The NBA players have a very strict workout program that they have to follow daily, and there are strict nutritional guidelines that all players are expected to adhere to. The nutritional guidelines are designed to ensure that the players maintain a healthy body weight that does not adversely affect their performance on the court.
This program has been in place for many years, with slight modifications implemented along the way. The program has helped many players to lead long, healthy, and successful careers in the NBA. The NBA has certain rules in place when it comes to the fitness and nutrition standards for all of its players.
They also have rules regarding what you can or cannot put into your body after games, practices, or any other time during the season. This can be seen as quite a restrictive measure, but it has proven successful.
Stricter Measures Could Be On the Way
As the years go on, the NBA will likely continue to look at ways to improve its fitness program. The league has invested much money into nutritionists and sports science experts. So, it would make sense that they would want to implement any new advancements that have been made recently.
One of the areas that the NBA could potentially be looking to improve is its pre-game meal rules. Many nutritionists and experts in sports nutrition have been recommending that athletes consume a pre-game meal for many years.
The pre-game meal is designed to be eaten about 2-3 hours before kickoff. It’s intended to provide a burst of energy towards the beginning of the game rather than a slow and long-lasting energy source.
How Will the Changes be Implemented?
If the NBA does decide to implement stricter measures, they will likely introduce them slowly. The last thing they would want is to make the fitness program so strict that it drives away its talented athletes.
The NBA would probably take a gradual approach by introducing stricter measures in the first couple of seasons. They would then be able to track the effectiveness of these measures and go from there.
All in all, it would make sense for the NBA to implement stricter measures regarding their fitness program. As the years go on, new advancements and discoveries are made to improve this area. While the NBA has succeeded with its fitness program, it is unlikely to ignore any new advancements that could help in this area. It would be interesting to see how the players would react if the NBA did implement stricter fitness regulations.